New Gears of War 4 Trailer Brings the Feels

Gears of War 4

We’ve seen a touch of gameplay last year, and last week the cover art and October release date, now Microsoft are ramping up the Gear PR machine with this new trailer.

“25 Years after Gears of War 3, spurred by a series of strange disappearances, JD Fenix must embrace his father’s legacy and battle a terrifying new enemy”

As with trailers past, Gears 4 tugs at our heartstrings, for a series about hulking space marines, Gears has always had a strangely emotional core somewhat at odds with its brutish exterior. We see Marcus Fenix planting a tree, juxtaposed with his son JD running for his life and using the series duck and cover method, while a sombre and haunting cover of Simon and Garfunkel’s Sound of Silence plays in the background.

I always hoped Marcus found some peace in his life after seeing everything he went through in Gears 1-3 but it is equally a shame that his actions may have all been in vain. Will Marcus himself make an appearance in the game? We’ve seen that he has his own statue, but is that for his actions in the war, or a memorial for a fallen hero? Come October we will know for sure.

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