Mortal Kombat 11 Makes Sly vs. Arnie A Reality

Yeah, okay. Rambo is a DLC character. Sure. Why not?

Mortal Kombat 11

After being teased earlier this week, NetherRealm Studios have announced the future of Mortal Kombat 11, and it’s far more than just another Kombat Pack (though there is another Kombat Pack coming). NetherRealm have revealed MK11: Ultimate, a new bundle that contains the base game and all DLC, including Kombat Pack 1, Aftermath and Kombat Pack 2. Check out the trailer above.


So Who’s In Kombat Pack 2?

Kombat Pack 2, similar to Aftermath, will feature three additional characters, with 2 MK legacy characters and a guest spot. Representing the MK series is the long requested Mileena, along with the water ninja Rain. As for the guest spot, it’s everyone’s favourite PTSD-ridden soldier who just wants to be left alone, John Rambo. He’s even voiced by Stallone, which is a nice touch.


So When Does Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate Launch?

Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate will launch on November 17th, along with Kombat Pack 2. As mentioned, Ultimate will include all the DLC released for MK11, making it the most value for money package available. If you haven’t picked the game up yet, the Ultimate bundle might just sway you.

If you’re looking for added reasons, NetherRealm also announced in the above trailer that Mortal Kombat 11 will support free next-gen upgrades for all current and new Mortal Kombat 11 owners, with PS4 and Xbox One players able to enjoy next-gen benefits on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. These include visual enhancements, 4K dynamic resolution, improved loading times and, best of all, cross-play and cross-generational multiplayer. Let us know if you’ll be maining Rambo in the comments down below.

READ MORE: Fighting Games Need To Adopt Cross-Play

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