Memories of Green #10

The newest from the Memories of Green World by Josh Blockwell, one of the many great writing contributions we receive at Cultured Vultures.


Date – 18/05/2089

Subject – Last Two Days


Its my last two days in Washington now. Its been a lot better than I thought it was going to be. Honestly thought I was going to spend my entire trip stuck in a hotel room, relentlessly going over my notes and waiting for this interview to happen. I totally didn’t expect to meet some cool new guys and have a really good time up here. When is the term “Business trip” ever synonymous with a good time. Believe me, I’ve been on plenty of them, and all of them have been awful, all of them but this one. I need to stop, this is starting to sound like the closing monologue from a kids summer special.

I definitely need to go over my notes for this interview now though. I can’t embarrass myself in front of Alex Gerome tomorrow. Not with such an important exclusive for our readers. I think I must have read the press release about a hundred times now and I still can’t get anything more from it than “Something very big is happening.” It’s a surprise the Administration haven’t got their hands on whatever it is and claimed it for “The Good of Us All”.

There are far too many gunships floating around tonight to concentrate. I’m going to get away from the window, go lie down and try and get some sleep. Wish me luck tomorrow guys. I guess I’ll have some exciting news for you when I’m done.


Peace out




Memories of Green #9Memories of Green #11

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