Media Molecule’s Dreams Looks Like The Ultimate Bob Ross Simulator


Media Molecule have just released a new video for their upcoming game/creation tool Dreams, and it looks to be every bit the Bob Ross Simulator you’d want it to be. There’s even some happy little trees. Well, bushes, but still.

The new trailer shows Art Director Kareem Ettouney utilising the PlayStation Move controllers as his paint brush and palette to create a virtual landscape. In just five minutes, Kareem (the Dream) is able to create a pretty impressive looking mountain. The full game won’t just be limited to nature though, as other trailers have showcased the construction of cities, sculptures and even the ability to compose music.

Dreams is looking to capture the same “spark” that Xbox’s Project Spark spent so long chasing. Though Project Spark birthed some brilliant, genre bending creations, much in the same way Little Big Planet and Trials have, there just wasn’t the right amount of support for it, and the game was discontinued two years after it launched.

Dreams looks like it’ll offer creative types the same kinds of tools to create whatever they fancy, so here’s hoping they’ll be put to good use on PS4 when the game comes out next year. Ah, who am I kidding? It’s going to be dicks as far as the eye can see. Are you prepared for Media Molecule’s impending dickpocalypse? Check out the trailer and let us know in the comments.

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