Marvel & Insomniac Teaming Up For A Wolverine Game



In perhaps one of the most shocking announcements from PlayStation Showcase 2021, Insomniac Games revealed that they’re working on a new Marvel game, and it isn’t Spider-Man 2 (though that got announced a little bit later). Instead, it’s a brand new Wolverine game. Check out the reveal trailer below.

In a post of the PlayStation Blog, it was revealed by Insomniac that their Wolverine game was the product of years of brainstorming between themselves and Marvel, before eventually they pitched the game to the comic book giants. Clearly, it went well. The reason why Insomniac wanted to do it is for the same reason they were drawn to Spider-Man, as both characters tend to defend those who are unable to do so.

Marvel’s Wolverine is a standalone game that’s being directed by Brian Horton and Cameron Christian, who were the leads for the creative efforts behind Spider-Man: Miles Morales. With no release date confirmed, Insomniac note that the game is very early in development, but promises an “emotional narrative and cutting-edge gameplay”.

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