Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth – Where To Find The Street Surfer

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Navigating Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth’s new area of Honolulu in Hawaii can be quite overwhelming, as it’s one of the biggest maps Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio have ever created. Genuinely, there’s a mall that feels like it’s half the size of Kamurocho alone, so you’ll definitely need some help navigating this new neighbourhood. Thankfully, you can unlock the Street Surfer pretty early on, which should make travelling much faster. Here’s how you can unlock the Street Surfer segway in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

The Street Surfer can be found during Chapter 3, near the path of the main story when you follow Kiryu back to his hotel. It’s a substory that’s located just south of the main objective marker. Head over there, and once you’re in the general area, the sub-story “Surfin’ The Streets” will trigger, where you’ll be accosted by the scientist Oka. Hear him out, give the Street Surfer a try and then beat up some previous dissatisfied customers and you’ll be one Street Surfer richer. It’s that simple.

Now that you’ve acquired the Street Surfer, press down on the d-pad to hop aboard, allowing to travel around Hawaii much faster. On top of that, if you place a custom marker on the map, you can then toggle the Street Surfer to auto-drive to your destination, which is handy if you need to put your controller down to scratch your nose or something. However, being on your Street Surfer won’t stop you from getting into fights, so if you’re looking to avoid confrontation, you can still move the segway as normal even while auto-driving. The Street Surfer will also be available in any other areas you might happen to travel to during the game.

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X & S.

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