Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth Dondoko Island – How To Increase Health

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth
Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth follows the franchise’s long-held tradition of featuring minigames and side stories that are just as involved and ambitious as some fully-fledged games. This time around, it’s Dondoko Island, unlocked in Chapter 6 of the game, which is Like A Dragon’s take on Animal Crossing and the cozy gaming genre as a whole.

Still, it wouldn’t be a Like A Dragon themed mode if it didn’t have combat of some sort, and Dondoko Island is no exception, as you must try to defend your island from a cohort of pirates who are trying to actively trash the place. While fending them off as is easy as mashing Square/X with your bat equipped, you need to make sure you actually have the health to deal with the onslaught of pirates.

In order to actually increase your maximum health in Dondoko Island, which is separate your health in the main game, you need to increase your home’s Livability rating. Essentially, this means you need to fill your house with all different kinds of objects/tat to increase the Livability rating. Once you hit certain point thresholds of your Livability rating, you’ll gain an extra heart of health, up to a maximum of ten, which should come in handy once your start hitting the later stages of the mode and encounter bigger swarms of pirates.

As for recovering lost hearts, the simplest way to recover your health is simply by going to bed at the end of the day, as if you go to bed before the day is over, you’ll recover all your health. Later on, when you unlock the ability to craft souvenirs, you can also consume the food items you craft, such as the Hell Stew, to recover any lost health.

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X & S.

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