Hitman developer IO Interactive have announced on Twitter that they will be revealing their brand new project on YouTube tomorrow. You can check out the tweet for yourself below.
November 19. New Project Reveal.https://t.co/ryOKM50SD1 pic.twitter.com/kw9YC8I9SO
— IO Interactive (@IOInteractive) November 18, 2020
What Do We Know About The New Project?
Other than the fact that IO Interactive have been working on something new for a while, not a lot. Last year, it was revealed that they were partnering with Warner Bros. to create a whole new game for PC and consoles, so it’s possible that this is the fruits of that project, but nothing has been confirmed yet.
The lack of any real lead to go on has lead people in the tweet’s replies to speculate on the possibility of the long awaited Freedom Fighters 2, especially considering that the original game was re-released on PC earlier this year. It’d be intriguing to see IO return to one of their more underrated franchises, but that might be a bit too hopeful. On the flipside, November has been a celebration of 20 years of Hitman, so perhaps there’s a Hitman remake in the works. Who knows? Either way, we’ll find out what IO Interactive are cooking tomorrow at 6am PT/9am ET/3pm CET.
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