If you were an all conquering alien intent of bending the human race to your will, it’d be really nice if that process took place instantly, but that’s not quite the case for Destroy All Humans, which will see you devote more than a few hours if you’re looking for that 100% completion or Platinum Trophy. With that in mind, here’s how long you’ll be playing Destroy All Humans for.
How Long Is The Main Campaign?
If you’re focused purely on the main campaign, you’ll likely be done with the main missions and will be watching the credits after around 10 hours, maybe less. There’s 23 missions in total, though none are terribly long and at least have decent checkpoints. Unlike the original game, you don’t have to restart the entire mission if you fail either, so that frees up some of your time to boot.
What About That Platinum Trophy/1000G?
If you’re a bit more of a completionist, Destroy All Humans will take a bit more time to unlock all the trophies/achievements. Mercifully, the game doesn’t require a full 100% to nail that Platinum, as you don’t have to find every single optional Furon probe in the game’s six invasion sites. All in all, when reviewing the game on Xbox One, I managed to obtain every single achievement in around 14 hours.
However, the list does require you to both complete every single bonus objective that appears in the game’s main missions, along with acquiring 3 stars in the 24 challenges that are on offer. These will take about 4-5 hours extra to complete, perhaps more if you’re unlucky. Sometimes success and failure in a challenge can be determined by enemy spawns more than player skill, which is a pain. That said, perseverance is key. The bonus objectives aren’t too much of a bother, and the challenges get much easier after obtaining upgrades.
On top of that, there are a few optional trophies/achievements that aren’t initially clear in how you go about unlocking them, but allow us to help with that.
Pyrokenesis: Set something on fire, then use it to destroy a hapless human.
Honestly, I struggled figuring this one out, but then the solution finally came to me. Early on, you unlock the Disintegrator Ray that can incinerate humans, but unfortunately it doesn’t set the majority of objects on fire. However, it does ignite hay bales, which can be found in abundance at Turnipseed Farm and Rockwell. Set fire to one of them, launch it at someone’s head and you’re done.
Do Feed The Sharks: Demonstrate Furon free spirit near a warning sign placed by the human authorities.
Broadly speaking, the solution to this one is pretty obvious: launch a human into the water at the Santa Modest beach. However, finding the sign can be the tricky part, which is why we’ve taken a screenshot for you. Aren’t you lucky? The beach in question is located on the southwest side of the map.
Once you’ve found the sign, simply throw a human into the sea using Psychokinesis while stood nearby, and you’ll unlock this achievement/trophy. For reference, we made sure the sign was still in view of the camera when throwing the human and it worked, so make sure you do the same, just to be safe.
Hop the Hoop: Display Furonic aeronautic prowess by soaring through giant human pastry without soiling your feet.
Essentially, you’re jumping through the ring of a massive donut. That’s what you’re doing here. The donut in question can also be found in Santa Modesta, specifically just a bit north of the TV station that plays a huge part in some main story missions in this invasion site. All you need to do is jump on through.
Will you be playing Destroy All Humans? Sound off in the comments.
– Destroy All Humans! Reviews – What The Critics Are Saying
– Destroy All Humans! (Xbox One) REVIEW – Resistance Is Futile
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