High-Ranking Overwatch Cheater Gets Banned During Stream

Overwatch quitters

Just as they should, Blizzard will absolutely not abide anyone who is cheating in Overwatch to gain an advantage. They’ve very publicly made themselves clear that any cheating, aimbotting, or anything of that nature will result in an instant, permanent ban.

So the mind has to boggle why this South Korean gamer thought he was a special snowflake.

Not only is he using an aimbot terribly, but this player is in the top 200 in his region, meaning that his hacks had given him an unfair advantage to get there in the first place. It’s easily arguable that Blizzard should have acted far sooner, but when you remember that 15 million people are playing Overwatch, it’s all too easy to let one or two slip through the cracks.

During the stream, the gamer is seen to be bumbling along, wasting the money he paid for for hacks, before he is abruptly booted from the game and is left unable to log back in. The fact that this all happened during a stream makes it oh so much sweeter.

If you’re thinking about messing around with the vulnerabilites in Lucioball, the message from Blizzard is pretty clear: don’t. They want the game to be played as intended.

Still undecided about Overwatch? Check out my review of it here and find out why it’s my best game of 2016 so far.

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