I Hate Everything Hates Review Scores – And He Has a Point

If you’re big into your YouTube channels and have yet to watch I Hate Everything, you’re missing out on some beautiful editing, harmless spite, and accents, which is the recipe for basically anything good on the internet.

In his latest video, Alex of IHE takes review scores to task, raising plenty of valid points about how arbitrary it is and how flawed aggregating websites like Rotten Tomatoes are. A lot of this resonated with me as the EIC here as a lot of our reviews come with scores, though it’s up to the writer if they want to include them or not, and I am not a huge fan of them myself, but considering how it’s what the majority of our readers look for from reviews, we would be remiss to get rid of them altogether.

However, Alex echoes a lot of my thoughts on review scores themselves and how often people’s personal opinions can be the subject of attack. We’ve had that here a few times, but there’s one comment in particular that has always stuck with me.

Melanie Martinez review

What Mr. Padonlina doesn’t realise is that 7 out of 10 is still a good score. Big media giving out fleets of 8s and 9s like they’re pamphlets has meant that anything under an 8 is an affront to some people and everything they stand for, which couldn’t be further from the truth. A 5 is average, 6 is above average, and a 7 is good.

As it stands, we will be sticking to our score system and hoping that nobody senses us dead pets in the mail when we give a number too high or too low in a review that represents an opinion. The time may come when we’re big enough to drop the system altogether, because I’m sure if we did that now then people would think we were just being hipsters, but for now, the choice lies with the writer, just as it does for them to voice their thoughts and to expect not to be lynched for it.

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