Is GTA 6 Coming To Xbox One?


Grand Theft Auto 6 is going to be a landmark moment in gaming history, even if we’re going to have to wait until 2025 at least in order to get our hands on it. Fans have been waiting for over a decade already for this next instalment in the open world crime franchise, with the first trailer managing to reach over a million views in less than a few days. However, for those who are still on the last generation of consoles, you may be wondering if GTA 6 will be playable on the Xbox One.

You probably won’t be shocked to learn this, but the answer is a hard no, GTA 6 is not coming to Xbox One, though Rockstar haven’t explicitly ruled out an Xbox One version of GTA 6. If Rockstar wanted to, they could probably churn out a compromised version of GTA 6 that’d run on the Xbox One, but it’d either be a far cry from what GTA 6 would be capable of the PS5 and Xbox Series X & S, or having a last-gen port could hold back the potential of GTA 6 on much better hardware.

While the Xbox One was capable of running GTA 5 pretty well, GTA 6 is going to be a massive leap in terms of scope and scale, if the trailers are to be believed anyhow. If you’re holding out hope that GTA 6 will somehow be available on the Xbox One, you’re probably better off saving up for an Xbox Series X, or waiting for the inevitable current-gen hardware refresh.


About Grand Theft Auto 6

Grand Theft Auto 6 follows the Bonnie & Clyde-esque story of main characters Lucia and Jason, as they try to climb their way up the ranks of Vice City’s criminal underworld. While the full story and gameplay details are still unknown, and we probably won’t here more until the end of 2024 at the earliest, we can probably expect epic heists and a GTA Online mode that’ll be drowning in Shark Cards and the like.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is set to launch on PS5 and Xbox Series X & S in 2025.

READ MORE: Ranking the GTA 6 Trailer Crocodiles From Worst to Best

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