Ghost of Tsushima: How To Pet Monkeys

Get chimpy.

Ghost of Tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima Monkeys

Monkeys are a new animal added for Iki island in Ghost of Tsushima.

Monkeys can mostly be found at Monkey Sanctuaries, which are dotted across the map. The Wind of Harmony technique will show you the location of the sanctuaries on the map.

The first Monkey Sanctuary is available shortly after you come ashore on Iki on a small island called Raider’s Promontory.

Ghost of Tsushima Raider's Promontory
Ghost of Tsushima Raider’s Promontory

Swim across the water, then deal with the Mongols. Shoot the lock on the monkey cage and then stand on the circle and press R2. Jin will then play the flute; move your controller physically up and down to match the rhythm of the song.

Ghost of Tsushima Raider's Promontory
Ghost of Tsushima Raider’s Promontory sanctuary

Keep the song in the green and then you will have completed the Monkey Sanctuary, unlocking the ability to pet any monkeys around too. Walk up to any of the little furballs and press R2 to pet the monkey.

Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut is available now on PS5 and PS4.

READ NEXT: Ghost of Tsushima: Petals’ Cress

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