Ghost of Tsushima: Charm of Mashira’s Protection

Monke business.

Ghost of Tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima Mashira's Protection

Charm of Mashira’s Protection is a defence charm in Ghost of Tsushima that’s unlocked on Iki island the first time you complete a Monkey Sanctuary.

Charm of Mashira’s Protection works by giving you bigger windows for performing Perfect Parries and Perfect Dodges after healing with down on the d-pad, though healing will take one more Resolve.

You can unlock Charm of Mashira’s Protection within five minutes of landing on Iki by going to the Monkey Sanctuary on Raider’s Promontory, a small island to the north of where you start.

Ghost of Tsushima Raider's Promontory
Ghost of Tsushima Raider’s Promontory

Kill the Mongols, free the monkeys from the cage and then press R2 to start performing the flute. Keep the symbol in the green by moving your controller and then you should be able to pet the monkeys, as well as unlock Charm of Mashira’s Protection.

Charm of Mashira's Protection
Charm of Mashira’s Protection

You can improve your protection with Charm of Mashira’s Protection by finishing more Monkey Sanctuaries. Unlock the Wind of Harmony technique to locate Monkey Sanctuaries on your map.

Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut is available now on PS5 and PS4.

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