Game of Thrones Power Rankings: The Blackfish Is The Boss

The Blackfish
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Are we really nearing the end of another Game of Thrones season already? All the murder, backstabbing and mild incest has made the whole thing fly by. As we approach this season’s big finish though, it’s interesting to notice how little has changed in Westeros.

The Sparrows and the Lannisters are still at loggerheads in King’s Landing, the Faith Militant now seeming to have a clear edge. Meanwhile, can you believe it’s taken a whole goddam season for the Starks and the Boltons to come to fisticuffs? Won’t someone just punch Ramsay in his sneering face?


Team Sparrow

The Faith Militant
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When King Tommen’s mouth opens and closes these days, you can be pretty sure it’s the High Sparrow’s hand that’s actually moving. As if his power over the Lannisters and the other noble houses wasn’t complete enough, he’s now banned trial by combat. Cersei and Loras will face judgement from a committee of zealous Septims – an interesting development in the Westeros judicial system, but probably not an improvement. Unless someone kills the King, the Sparrows are going to stay on top for a while


Team Lannister

Jamie and Bronn, a Westerosi Bromance
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Speaking of killing the King, it’s starting to feel like Tommen might not see out the rest of the season. Jamie managed to put down the siege at Riverrun with threats and persuasion, and he’s headed back to King’s Landing with the combined forces of the Tyrells and the Freys. Oh, and let’s not forget he’s already stabbed one King in the back – what’s one more regicide when you get right down to it? Meanwhile Cersei and Qyburn have something going on. Could it be a way to take down the High Sparrow?


Team Bolton

Ramsay, being Ramsay
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Both the Boltons and the Starks were absent this episode – it’s what sports fans might call a bye week for the pair. Next week the two of them face off in an epic looking brawl. As things stand though, it’s advantage Bolton. Ramsay has more men and better defences, and now it looks like the Blackfish won’t be coming to help the Starks. Expect the Bastard of Bolton to be at his worst next episode.


Team Stark

Arya Stark
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Still, there are a few nuggets of good news for the Starks. Arya is officially on her way back to Westeros, her business with the House of Black and White apparently settled. Also, if the internet is correct about the mysterious letter Sansa sent in episode six, they might have a devious ally to call upon. With Brienne, Jon Snow and the Wildlings ready to fight, this battle might not be as clear cut as it looks.


Team Tully

The Blackfish
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The Tullys are finished, but it’s hard not to put them on the list this week for how much of a boss the Blackfish has been. Vague threats? The Blackfish cares not? Threaten to kill his family in front of the castle? The Blackfish cares not. Offer him a compromise? The Blackfish cares not. It’s sort of a shame we didn’t get to see the guy’s last stand. Or at least see him slap seven bells out of Edmure. Even in death the Blackfish earns a place in the top five. If only he had pushed that yellow bellied guard off the barricades.

What we’re saying guys, is that the Blackfish was awesome.


The Rest

Team Targaryen

The good news? Daenerys is back with her biggest dragon. The bad news? Her city is getting pelted with flaming projectiles by a fleet of slaver ships. There is some serious sorting out to do here.

Team Greyjoy

Will any of that sorting out involve Euron Greyjoy’s supposed fleet saving the day? Or even Yara’s fleet? It’s hard to discern the true passage of time in Game of Thrones these days, so who knows if they’ve had time to sail to Slavers Bay.


We’ve not seen much of the Lord of the Vale in the last few weeks, but if he thinks Sansa and Jon have a chance you can bet he’ll show up with an army. The ultimate opportunist, he’ll also demand a heavy price for his assistance.

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