Fortnite Season 7 Guide: Week 1 Battle Pass Challenges Walkthrough

All you need to do to complete the Battle Pass challenges for the first week of Fortnite Season 7.

Fortnite Season 7 is upon us and with it a brand new slew of weekly challenges for us to sink our teeth into. Epic has demonstrated that they’ve found their groove regarding how the Battle Pass challenges and rewards work. Challenges are still separated into three free challenges and four Battle Pass (paid) challenges. Season’s still go for the standard ten weeks and it still costs 950 V-bucks for the season Battle Pass.

The most notable change would be the addition of a new type of cosmetic reward. This new reward type takes on the form of skins (called ‘wraps’ in-game, no doubt referring to Christmas). However, instead of a skin for your specific character, these are like ‘paint jobs’ that are applied to various weapon families (shotguns, assault rifles, pistols, etc.) and the vehicles. This adds another layer customisation for your character, whilst also packing in a bit more value into the Battle Pass.

The opening week’s challenges aren’t particularly unique or interesting, mostly the standard slew of stuff. Damage, elimination and looting challenges are all present for the opening week.


Free Tiers

Pick up an item of each rarity (5 items)
As low stress of a challenge as I’ve ever seen. You simply need to pick up one: grey, green, blue, purple and orange item to complete this challenge. This can be done in over as many games as you like and can even seems to be completable on the pre-match lobby island (which may be a bug). Just play the game as usual and you’ll complete this one by accident.

Dance in different forbidden locations (7 locations)
This is the same challenge that debuted all the way back in Season 3. Littered around the map, you’ll see no dancing signs (the vanilla male skin doing the stock dance, with the circle and line through it). You need to dance in front of seven of these and they must all be in different locations. You can however complete these over as many games as it takes, though it may take a little while (and a few deaths, as you’re a sitting duck while someone lines up a headshot). Once you’re on the lookout for these specifics signs though, you’ll notice they’re far more common than you initially imagined.

Play matches with at least one elimination (5 matches)
This challenge asks you to get at least one elimination in a match, five separate times. Put differently, you need to play five or more matches and in those matches achieve at least one elimination. Once again, just play normally and you’ll finish this off without really noticing.


Battle Pass Tiers

Multi-stage: Dance atop specific landmarks (3 stages)
This is a unique, but straightforward one: you’re asked to dance atop three specific landmarks. The first stage asks you to dance atop a ‘crown of RVs’. This is to be taken literally, on the southern edge of the desert is a bunch of buried RVs that form the shape of a crown atop a mountain. The second stage requires you dance atop a metal turtle, which is located on the east side of the map. The final stage requests you dance atop a submarine, which you’ll find in the southwest side of the map (in the new region) perched atop a mountain. All three landmarks are fairly notable once you know where to look and what to look for, just remember to transition into a new match after you’ve danced atop one.

Deal headshot damage to opponents (500 damage)
This is your weekly weapon damage challenge, but without the weapon type condition. You need to do 500 points of headshot damage over as many games as it takes. This is another challenge you’ll complete by simply playing, just don’t shy away from too many fights and you’ll get it naturally in no time.

Multi-stage: Chest loot challenge (3 stages)
This is a multi-stage chest looting based challenge that’ll ask you to search a specific type of chest multiple times before giving you the next stage. The first stage of this challenge requires you search five ammo boxes in a single match, which depending on your luck can be very easy or very hard. The second stage requires you open three chests in a single match, which like the previous stage can be a little dependant on luck (or landing somewhere well off the beaten path). The final stage requires you open a supply drop, which can be very difficult as supply drops don’t really appear until a decent way into the match and are often hotly contended. The best approach with this challenge (for all three stages), is to try land somewhere well out of the way of the Battle Buses route, avoid conflict and loot what you need to before things get messy.

Eliminate opponents in different named locations (5 named locations)
Your typical elimination challenge for the week. Rather than using a predetermined weapon family, you need to achieve five kills at five different named locations. This can be done over as many games as it takes, but you can’t reuse the same location more than once. You can improve your odds by landing in different locations over different games, to snag those easy early game kills.

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