Fortnite LEGO: How to Unlock the Explorer Emilie Skin for Free

Explorer Emilie Fortnite
Explorer Emilie Fortnite

The LEGO crossover with Fortnite has the potential to be an absolutely wild moment in gaming history, with a whole other survival video game basically being built (eheh) within Fortnite. To celebrate the launch of Fortnite LEGO on December 7th, LEGO and Fortnite are teaming up to give away a free Fortnite skin: Explorer Emilie.

Here’s what the Explorer Emilie skin, which is a brand new skin and not a restyle of any existing Fortnite character, looks like in both her Fortnite and LEGO forms:

Explorer Emilie Fortnite
Explorer Emilie Fortnite


To unlock Explorer Emilie, here’s a step-by-step guide to the process to one of the methods:

  1. First, sign up to LEGO Insiders here: This is a free LEGO program where they send you deals on LEGO products. You will need an email address. You also need to be 18 and over in order to sign up for Insiders.
  2. Once signed up, link your LEGO Insiders and Epic Games account via this link, or choose to sign in via Epic Games when you first sign up for LEGO Insiders. You will need your Epic account logins.
  3. Wait until December 7th, 2023, and then you will be granted the Explorer Emilie skin for use within Fortnite and also Fortnite Lego.

You can also do this completely within your Fortnite account:

  1. Sign into your Epic account by going to
  2. Once on your Account page, go to Apps and Accounts.
  3. Click “Connect” on the LEGO Account option. You’ll be directed to the LEGO website to continue the process.

People who perform this link-up will also be able to use the Explorer Emilie avatar within LEGO Insiders as their profile picture, alongside an exclusive badge.

There is no end date for the free skin in Fortnite, but we anticipate it will available for the entirety of Chapter 5 – Season 1.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android.

MORE FORTNITE: Fortnite: Chapter 5 – Season 1: What Happened to Daily Quests?

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