Those big old lumps of granite you see dotted around the map in Fortnite LEGO aren’t just going to start mining themselves, so if you want to crack them open and take all the goodies inside, you’re going to need a pickaxe.
In order to craft a pickaxe, you’ll first need to build yourself a crafting bench, which shouldn’t be too difficult. Once the bench has been built, you’ll need to interact with the crafting bench, and craft the Pickaxe for 5 pieces of wood. Once you’ve crafted the pickaxe, you’ll be able to smash open those big rocks, allowing you to collect a lot more granite for larger Village projects like the Lumber Mill or Grill.
Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android.
READ MORE: Fortnite LEGO: How to Share Worlds & Invite Friends
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