Fortnite: How To Enable Split-Screen With Friends

Party (up) like it's 2004.


Since being introduced early on in Chapter 2, Fortnite split-screen has been a good option for those who want to play the game while sat right next another player. Luckily, it’s also pretty easy to enable split-screen in Fortnite with a friend.

Playing locally on the same television makes a lot of sense for Fortnite, considering that it’s the best way to carry someone who’s a newcomer when you can sit next to them and coach them through everything. It’s not the best way to experience the game if you’re a really competitive player, though if you just want Fortnite to be fun with friends, split-screen is one of the best ways to be just that.

Here’s how you can play Fortnite split-screen with a friend in 2021 following the release of split-screen way back in v11.30.


Fortnite Split-Screen Step-By-Step Guide

– Download and install Fortnite on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X | S, or Xbox One. Split-screen is not enabled on other platforms.
– Connect two controllers to your console. Different consoles have different methods, but connecting via a USB cable universally works.
– Make sure both of you have an Epic account. It takes just a minute or two to create a new one.
– You will also need an account on whichever console you’re playing on, even if just a guest account.
– Once done, player 2 will then have to log in via the console and also Epic.
– With player 1 waiting in the lobby and player 2 signed in, player 2 will then have to hold either X/A to be able to log in with their Epic account and join the lobby.

That’s all you need to know to play Fortnite split-screen. Remember to troubleshoot your logins if you’re having trouble signing in; that’s likely the biggest cause of any issues you will run into.

It’s not the easiest thing to sort out for absolute beginners and you can’t play split-screen in any of the competitive Arena modes, as well as the fact that performance will take a big hit. Despite that, Fortnite split-screen is a refreshing throwback that Epic didn’t even really need to add — you rarely ever see any online multiplayer games with split-screen these days.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

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