Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 – Dockyard Deal: Find The T In The Dockyard Deal Loading Screen

"If you go down to the docks today..."

Fortnite 2

Week 4 of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 has touched down, delivering Season 1’s fourth mission, ‘Dockyard Deal’. So far, Epic has been knocking it out of the park with their very involved and interesting challenges since Chapter 2’s release.

This article will walk you through on the ‘Dockyard Deal’ loading screen. This isn’t a challenge per se, but it is the source of the mission’s name. Once you complete eight of the ten Dockyard Deal challenges, you’ll unlock this loading screen.

Besides being an aesthetic reward, it also contains a secret which can essentially be considering the ‘11th’ and final challenge of the mission. The secret in this case is the letter ‘T’ hidden in the picture. If you look closely at the image, in the top right corner near the large orange dock cranes, you’ll see a darkly coloured ‘T’ on the top level of the crane’s scaffolding. The ‘T’ will not be visible unless you’ve already unlocked the loading screen for the mission, which to reiterate requires completing eight challenges from the Dockyard Deal mission first.

Below is a picture of the Dockyard Deal loading screen.


Dockyard Deal Loading Screen


Dockyard Deal Loading Screen With ‘T’ Revealed

As mentioned, the T is located in the top right corner on the top levels of the orange dock crane’s scaffolding. Speaking of the orange dock crane’s location.


Orange Dock Crane Location

The orange dock crane is located at Dirty Docks (as you might have guessed based on this week’s mission name) to the map’s far east, located at H4 on the main map’s grid.


‘T’ Spawn Location

As for the ‘T’s’ location specifically, the ‘T’ will spawn on the highest levels of the cranes traversable platforms, between both cranes. Remember that the ‘T’ will not be visible unless you’ve unlocked the loading screen to begin with.

Once you’ve located the ‘T’, all you need to do is interact with it to complete the mission’s ‘hidden 11th’ challenge for the week.

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