Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 1 has entered Week 9 and with it comes the ‘Chaos Rising’ mission. As one of the final weeks of the season, this is a pretty promising set of challenges for players to sink their teeth into while they wind up for the Season 2 changes.
This particular guide will focus on the challenge: ‘Skydive Through Rings In Steamy Stacks’. This is the second challenge of the mission and as such requires no extra challenges to be completed to access it.
This is a skydiving based challenge, which requires you to attempt completion at the very beginning of the match when you exit the Battle Bus. However, it does have a small twist not found in other skydiving challenges we’ve seen yet.
With all the skydiving challenges to date, you need to fly through rings sequentially placed as you fall. This makes a kind of freeform track for players to fly through until the end. In this challenge however, you’re tasked with flying through only two rings, but they’re placed within the two cooling towers of Steamy Stacks.
Now, the difficulty here is both rings are of the same altitude and blocked by solid walls, and the only way to access them is from the top opening. Therefore, flying through both before touching the ground requires you to achieve some elevation. Luckily, the cooling towers actually generate a considerable updraft, making the challenge doable.
Steamy Stacks Location
Steamy Stacks is pretty hard to miss. It’s a named location in the furthest northeastern corner of the map. It takes the form of what looks like a nuclear power plant, with two very notable cooling towers signalling its location. It occupies both G2 and H2 on the main map’s grid.
Cooling Towers
The complete this challenge, you’ll need to pick a cooling tower and dive into it, aiming directly for the ring, which will be in the dead centre of the cooling tower. Once you’ve flown through the ring, you want to pull to the side, avoiding the platform in the middle. This will propel your character upwards and let you re-deploy your glider. You can then glide to the other tower and do the same thing.
Keep in mind, if you dive in and touch the ground platform at the centre of the cooling tower, it will count as landing and make the challenge unfinishable for the rest of the match.
Fortnite: Battle Royale is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android.
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