Fox just released its first official trailer for The X-Files season 10 and, although it only divulges ten seconds of actual footage, it’s definitely enough to whet the appetites of fans and perhaps to reassure those that have fallen out of love with the franchise.
Let’s start with what we actually see in the trailer: some very atmospheric creepy fog, a big truck, some very angry men with guns, a horrendous looking needle device in a lab, a boot standing upon the famous ‘I want to believe’ poster that lovingly adorned Mulder’s office and finally, a glimpse of our two leads back where they belong. Guns in hands, they creep around corners ready to fight whatever may be around said corner, whether it be aliens, governmental corruption, religious cults or ’monsters of the week’.
So far so X-Files. This is a good sign. They’re definitely not giving much away here, but what we have seen is that the mood and tone of the earlier seasons has tried to be recaptured here. It’s as if we’ve been transported right back to the beginning. Sure, our leads’ style has changed a little, but the actual set-pieces and style of the shots looks the same as ever. Are we finally seeing things come full circle? Let’s hope so because so far fans have been denied of the ending they and the show itself deserved. I don’t usually believe in resurrecting franchises, but from what has been glimpsed so far, this could really work.
This trailer, though brief, has at least shown to the world that X-Files and its leads are not too old or tired, but are looking fresher than ever. There have been a lot of shows in recent times that have tried to emulate their predecessors, but I feel even now X-Files is still unmatched for its originality in the way it incorporates different storytelling into each individual episode and how these all eventually come together to make a very strangely beautiful mosaic.
From what we have glimpsed here it looks as if it has come back fighting eager to please those that have lost faith. It will be interesting to see if the looks live up to the content next year. For now. there’s no further word on potential storylines. I’m just satisfied to see Mulder and Scully back in action and looking on top form. I still have a few reservations but what would X-Files be without a few of those. Remember, trust no-one. Well, at least until we get to see a little more footage and can make a clearer decision on whether it truly is a return to form or not.
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