The Bloody Helice is a thrusting sword in Elden Ring with terrific bleed damage that scales with dexterity and arcane stats. To find the Bloody Helice, you’ll need to have progressed a decent way through the map as it’s found in the Writheblood Ruins after you defeat a minor boss there called Sanguine Noble.
To get to the Writheblood Ruins, head to the Erdtree Gazing Hill Site of Grace and ride northeast toward the Erdtree.
By using the Erdtree to keep you on target, you want to find some of the partial remains of the bridge slightly northwest of the Erdtree. In the very back of this rubble, there should be a spirit spring spot that will allow you to get on top of the bridge and access everything on the cliff.
Progress north along the bridge until you can follow the cliff. You want to follow the cliff west until you come across a few tombstones that allow you to safely hop down to the next cliff level. Looking south, you should see the ruins on the horizon.
Ride past the carriage convoy and step inside the ruins. Inside, you’ll find a couple of rot-infested dogs and slimes. Once you have taken them out, find the stairs leading down to Sanguine Noble’s room. Take a few moments outside the fog door to prepare.
Noble is one of the weaker bosses in the region but you should still prepare for his attacks. He prefers to use thrust moves that cause him to recover for a couple of seconds. These moments are ideal to whittle down his health.
However, he’s using the Bloody Helice so getting hit will cause hefty bleed damage. He also uses a dagger for short but quick slashes. After performing his dagger slashes, he’ll often stumble, leaving him open for a few seconds if you can manage to get behind him to perform a critical attack.
You’ll want to really get a hang of his timing before you start risking your skin by throwing in your own attacks.
If you see him raise his sword across his chest, back up as quick as you can because he’s about to perform a broad bleed attack. To make things safer, you can always summon spirits to distract Noble. If you’re aggressive enough you can get Sanguine Noble within an inch of his life before your spirits disappear or just defeat him outright.
Once you have defeated Sanguine Noble, go open up the door and retrieve the Bloody Helice from the chest. The sword requires 16 strength, 19 dexterity, and 17 arcane, but its blood loss attribute and unique skill, Dynast’s Finesse, make it a devastating weapon.
Plus, it’s one of the coolest-looking swords in Elden Ring.
Elden Ring is available on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X & S, and Xbox One.
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