Dead Rising 4’s Answer to ‘Fireplace For Your Home’ is Weird and Awesome

Dead rising 4 Christmas

A game that I refuse to wait any longer for after recently playing through its predecessor and loving every second of it, Dead Rising 4 might be one of the last big titles of the year, but judging from early impressions, it’s going to be by no means the least.

To get us all in the Christmas spirit, Microsoft have released a new video that’s a little weird and a lot awesome. It’s basically 21 minutes dedicated to (presumably) Frank West throwing body parts on an open fire in place of logs of wood.

Marshmallows, anyone?

It reminds me a lot Fireplace For Your Home, which is pretty much the best thing on Netflix. If you’re wondering why Dead Rising 4 is tying in with Christmas, it’s actually set during the Most Wonderful Time of the Year™, so it makes sense.

Dead Rising 4 is out on December 6th on Xbox One and Windows 10 PC. It’s a timed exclusive, so expect to see DR4 on a PS4 and in your Steam library for Christmas 2017.

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