Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty – How Long to Wait for Songbird


Spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty follow.

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After the events of the previous mission in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, in which you sided with So Mi (Songbird) to help her make her escape from Reed, the Barghest and the NUS, Songbird will become gravely injured. The pair of you must then escape the dome through Barghest forces, with So Mi lagging way far behind due to the toil of overloading the AI. Eventually, you make your way through sewers and escape to safety, one dead despot later.

As you both get in your cars and drive away from Dogtown’s dome, she tells you to await a call from her, but it’s a bit of an agonising wait to actually get the call. You can do other missions in the meantime, but players who are biting their nails are probably anxious for the story to progress.

It takes roughly about three in-game days for Songbird to call you in Phantom Liberty as part of the The Killing Moon quest. You can easily waste away that time by sleeping in a bed at one of your apartments (the one in Dogtown is particularly easy to get to) for 24 hours a few times, or just by getting on with other missions around Dogtown. You will actually get called by Reed before So Mi, who is about as disappointed by your decision as you’d expect. Before you know it, Songbird will be contacting you via the Relic to link back up again.

After meeting up with her in the alley by M54 News HQ, you and Songbird will hatch a plan to make a daring escape and to, most importantly, survive. Even if she looks like she needs a bit of a factory reset…if you thought you were near the end of Phantom Liberty, strap yourself

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series.

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