The Westeros which Benioff and Weiss have created on our television screens is so vast and wonderful that it’s no surprise they’ve had to work with artists to bring their vision to life. Karakter, a German studio who have worked with HBO since the show’s beginning, have just unveiled some of the art they created for Game of Thrones season 5 and it is beautiful.
From the screens below, we see designs for some of the season’s most iconic moments and it’s surprising to see just how true to early concepts the finished product turned out to be. However, the designers were more involved with the production than you might first believe as their art was used on-shoot to help plan camera angles. In addition, they were used as the foundation for matte paintings, although I am not sure exactly what that refers to as I sit here typing words into a thing.
WARNING: huge spoilers ahead
Source: Karakter
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