BOOK REVIEW: ‘Griffin and Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence’ by Nick Bantock

An extraordinary correspondence

An extraordinary book that is much a love letter to the physical page than it is to a great story, Griffin and Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence is smart, unique, clever and beautiful.

The story is told through postcards and letters. It’s a short book, less than 50 pages, but through a combination of unique artwork, clever writing and being a unique physical object, it’s definitely worth anybody’s time.

One of the most remarkable things about the book is the writing itself. Across the short book the story ranges from supernatural, mysterious and tension. The writing alone on these postcards and letters shows that the words themselves do not need to be needlessly complicated, and that simply expressing a great story can be enough.

The relationship between the artists is one of the more interesting ones around. Their bond continuously feels powerful, and despite the circumstances, natural. Bantock doesn’t rely merely on good writing, however, as the artwork on the stamps, postcards and even the envelopes for letters reflect so much of the writing. It truly adds to the story and never feels like a gimmick, which may be credit to Bantock’s abilities as both a writer and an artist.

It truly is wonderful, in a day of texting and emails, to pick up a book and be able to pull out letters that are carefully placed in envelopes. It feels completely real and natural, the whole time while reading Griffin and Sabine… the reader will feel like they’re peeking into a telescope of another world.

It’s a unique book that is a placeholder of its time, and what literature and art can be while combined. Everyone should pick up this correspondence, as it makes regular letter writing and clearing an inbox seem the most mundane thing in the world compared to the beauty that exists in these pages.

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