Biomutant: What Is Aura And How Does It Work?

Aura Borealis.


Like many open-world RPGs, Biomutant features plenty of decisions to make that affect an overall morality system, called Aura. While the concept of a morality or karma system in an RPG might not be the most original idea in the world, the methods to build your karma might not be immediately clear. Here’s everything you need to know about Aura in Biomutant.

Aura is basically just your karma, and can move between light and dark. Make good decisions and you’ll earn light aura points, while evil decisions will net you dark aura points. After certain points thresholds are reached, you’ll unlock the ability to purchase certain powers. Basically, you have light side and dark side exclusive powers, if you want to look at it that way.

Interestingly, the points system isn’t like a tug of war between the two sides. It’s a little more like the Paragon and Renegade system in Mass Effect, with players able to independently earn points on both sides, allowing you to be a Light Aura character that dabbles a little bit in the Dark Arts.

One of the easiest ways to gain points in either category is determined by the choice of tribe you ally yourself with. Tribes have either a light or dark alignment, meaning they’ll want you to make decisions that are parallel with their viewpoints. Light tribes seek to unite the other tribes, which will net you light points, while dark tribes want to subjugate the other tribes which is quite clearly a bad person choice.

Exploring the environment also leaves a lot of opportunity to earn some points on either side. There are prisoners to free, which can lead to earning easy light points, while opportunities for dark points seem a little bit more obtuse when you first stumble across them. If you find a market stall or a stand in front of a gathering of people that allows you to interact with them, you might unintentionally unleash a little darkness on the world.

Aura plays into the game’s multiple endings, with the fate of the world decided on whether you’ve headed down the light or dark paths. There’s a new game plus mode that appears once you’ve finished the game, so if you’ve completed the game following one Aura path, you can easily jump into a second playthrough and head down the other way.

READ MORE: How Long Does Biomutant Take To Complete?

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