4 Best PS2 Wireless Controllers


The PlayStation 2 remains a big deal, and nothing expresses that ongoing fondness as much as the range of wireless PS2 controllers that are still readily available in the 2020s.

If you’re looking to get back into this iconic follow-up to Sony’s juggernaut PlayStation 1, one of the first things you’re going to need are some good PS2 wireless controllers. There are a few different affordable options on the market, so let’s take a closer look at what you should look for, as well as the best PS2 wireless controllers currently available.


PS2 Wireless Controllers

What Should I Look For In A Wireless PS2 Controller?

The PlayStation 2 controller in of itself has an interesting history. The thumbsticks, for example, were not part of the original PlayStation controller design and would not be added until 1997 with the release of the DualShock for the PS1. The DualShock design would largely carry over to the PS2 and onwards. The design we have now with the PS5’s DualSense has evolved from one console generation to the next, but mainly keeps the elements of the controller that players like best.

So, what exactly should you look for in the best wireless PS2 controller? Here’s a checklist of things to keep in mind:

  • How long do the batteries keep a charge?
  • What kind of wireless technology is behind the controller? Infrared? Bluetooth?
  • Are the wireless receivers durable?
  • Is the ergonomic design comfortable?
  • How does the controller compare to an actual PS2 controller?
  • Is the controller compatible with any multi-tap controller port?
  • What about the durability of button labels, directional buttons, and the analog button?

Keeping all of this in mind, here are the best wireless PS2 controllers currently available.


4. Saloke Wireless Gaming Console for PS2 Double Shock

Saloke Wireless Gaming Console for Ps2 Double Shock
Saloke Wireless Gaming Console for Ps2 Double Shock

Price: $12.90

Is the Saloke Wireless worth your time? Given its low price, there really isn’t an excuse to not at least give this controller a shot. It takes two AAA batteries, with a good charge holding for up to 12 hours, depending upon what and how intensely you’re playing.

At first glance this wireless PS2 controller certainly looks the part. You’re going to find that the grip for this controller is very evocative of the original PlayStation 2 controller. Responsiveness is one of your most important considerations when shopping for one of these third-party devices, and we’re pleased to say that the Saloke Wireless Gaming Console for PS2 Dual Shock delivers on this crucial front, as well. This is an option that’s as affordable as it is straightforward in its usage.

Is it perfect? Well, no. Keep in mind that none of these products are going to feel exactly like your old PS2 controller. The Saloke Wireless Gaming Console for the PlayStation 2 doesn’t have the same weight that you get from holding an original PS2 controller, but with that strong responsiveness we mentioned earlier, this plug-and-play model is more likely than not to meet your needs.


3. Funcilit Wireless PS2 Controller

Funcilit Wireless PS2 Controller
Funcilit Wireless PS2 Controller

Price: $22.99

While the wireless PS2 controller from Funcilit is a little pricier than the controller we discussed above, many PS2 fans claim this is the best one of anything currently available. It has the heft of a PS2 controller, and this is combined with a level of ease-of-use that makes this another exceptional plug and play peripheral. If you’re looking for a PS2 wireless controller that brings together function with optimal comfort, this release from Funcilit should be one of your first considerations.

The one thing this controller perhaps lacks is the durability some might be looking for. This is true to a certain degree with all these wireless PS2 controllers. The original PS2 controllers are considerably tougher. That doesn’t mean you can’t use these for an intensive gaming session. Just understand that these controllers generally can’t take a lot of abuse.

Battery life for these controllers is also quite good. They tend to last around 12 hours, but this once again depends on how long you’re playing, as well as the specific games you’re playing. For example, if your game utilizes the dual shock function frequently, that’s naturally going to run down your batteries faster. The wireless receivers themselves are impressively durable.


2. Burcica PS2 Wireless Controller Dual Vibration 2

Burcica PS2 Wireless Controller
Burcica PS2 Wireless Controller

Price: $23.99

Available in two color combos (red/blue or purple/blue), this PS2 wireless controller from Burcica goes a long way towards feeling like Sony’s PS2 original. While still as lightweight as the other options we’ve covered here, the buttons and thumbsticks alike are stiff yet receptive. The buttons in particular don’t have that obnoxious sensation of feeling as though the button could pop out of the controller at any given moment. More importantly, everything associated with this controller is receptive.

Pressure-sensitive analog control and formidable Double Shock technology gives you a pretty classic PS2 feel at the end of the day. The transparent design for the case of the controller itself is also worth noting. 90s kids will no doubt remember this style, making this third-party product a solid retro choice.

The button layout design is arguably a little imperfect, when compared with an actual PS2 controller. This is a minor issue, as the durability is still very much intact. Overall connectivity is very good, and the controller uses two AAA batteries. A fresh pair will last for at least several hours.


1. Blue Lake PS2 Wireless Controller Gamepad Twin Shock

Blue Lake PS2 Wireless Controller
Blue Lake PS2 Wireless Controller

Price: $13.99

While not the cheapest wireless PS2 controller by just a smidgen, Blue Lake offers the best third-party PS2 wireless option for those who want both affordability and quality in every important area. Boasting an ergonomic design with 2.4GHz wireless tech, this controller should work beautifully with any PS2 model you might have.

Getting set up with this Blue Lake wireless PS2 controller takes just a few moments, and reviews from longtime users indicate that the controllers are fairly durable. There’s still a shelf life to any third-party release like this, but some endure better than others, and the PS2 Wireless Controller Gamepad Twin Shock is arguably the best in this regard.

Both the buttons and D-pad feel great and firm to the touch. The solid black finish will likely please anyone who wants something that also looks decidedly like the PS2 Dual Shock they know and love. Relative sturdiness aside, two AAA batteries can keep this controller running for quite some time. For our money and yours, this is the best wireless PS2 controller available today.

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