Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Gets August PC Release Date

Consoles will get the game four months later.


Panache Games Digital and Private Division have announced that the upcoming Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey will be launching on PC through the Epic Games Store on August 27th. Following on from that, the game will then launch digitally in December on PS4 and Xbox One, though a specific release date hasn’t been determined.

To celebrate this news, the developers have revealed a new trailer, where Patrice Désilets, Creative Director and Co-Founder of Panache Digital Games, talks you through how you control one of humankind’s most primitive ancestors. You explore the world of Neogene Africa as you try to grow your clan of primates from generation to generation. Check out the trailer below.

The trailer emphasises the risks that players will need to take in order to grow and ultimately survive. You can’t simply stay in one place and hope to survive for a few million years, as you’ll run out of food. Instead, you’ll have to journey to new environments, conquer your fears of the unknown, survive predatory encounters and pass on what you’ve learned to the next generation.

Ancestors has the potential to be one of the most unique games of 2019, so we’re hopeful that Panache Digital Games will be able to knock it out of the park in their debut title. What do you think about Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey? Sound off in the comments.

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