Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Where to Find Hydrants

TOTK Hydrants
TOTK Hydrants

The Hyrdant is a Zonai Device in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that’s useful for putting out fires and pushing enemies away in hilarious fashion.

As is the case with most of the Zonai Devices in the game, Hydrants can be found in Device Dispensers, basically giant capsule machines. An initially difficult to access Device Dispenser that stocks Hyrdants is in South Eldin Sky Archipelago after using the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower below to shoot us up to the Sky Islands.

The Skyview Tower required to access this part of the map is to the east of Lookout Landing in Central Hyrule. It’s one of the easier towers as it’s not too far away from any of the main roads.

After some platforming and following rails upwards, you should arrive at the platform containing the Device Dispenser you need as well as the Kadanaur Shrine, which you should enter if you want an easy fast travel spot to come back to this Device Dispenser later.

To use this Device Dispenser, hold any Construct tech from your inventory (horns, charges, etc) then press A to put it in the Dispenser. A random Zonai Device should come out afterwards, hopefully a Hydrant. Once you pick up the capsule, press + then go to Zonai Devices in your inventory. Use Ultrahand to attach it to another structure, then hit it it activate the water stream, which will use up your Zonai Energy.

Truthfully, the Hyrdant isn’t the most exciting of all the Zonai Devices in the game. It’s not that destructive, and it can’t help you get across water as you might have maybe expected (somehow). Still, it’s useful if you need to put out a fire.

If you need more Zonai Device guides, Cultured Vultures has you covered with the lowdown on Batteries and Steering Sticks

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now on Switch.

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