Yakuza Creators Reveal New Game Judge Eyes


Not content with putting out multiple Yakuza style games per year, SEGA have announced that Yakuza creator Toshihiro Nagoshi and the team are working on Judge Eyes, a new game set in the same world with a brand new main character that’s just as capable in a punch up as Kazuma Kiryu was.

Playing as a lawyer lad by the name of Takayugi Yagami, it’s up to you to investigate a series of gruesome murders that have occurred in Kamurocho and find out who the culprit really is. It’s a dark story that allows for plenty of melodrama, making it a perfect fit for the Yakuza developers.


As for the gameplay, the combat plays out as you would expect. Yagami is a proficient ass kicker and name taker, using his martial arts training to lay waste to Tokyo’s thug population, which is somehow still thriving. You’d think they’d have learnt by now. Aside from that, you’ll be using disguises, tailing suspects, conducting interviews and gathering evidence to get to the bottom of the mystery. There’s also the Yakuza standard minigames too, don’t worry.


Judge Eyes is scheduled to release on the 13th December in Japan on PS4, but a Western release has been confirmed for some time in 2019. Let’s hope we’re not waiting too long as this could be a real winner.

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