Write For Us About Sport

Sports Writers wanted

Go take a minute to read our sports section. Notice something? It’s mainly just WWE, right? Well, vultures aren’t exactly the most action-orientated of birds, but that should be about to change.

Passionate about sport and writing? Then we want you to come and be a Cultured Vulture.

It’s super simple – you don’t have to send us your CV or anything of the sort. Just show that you have a sincere passion sports journalism and that your opinion could be one that stands out in this gaping chasm of voices we call the internet.

We’re looking for someone that can find news stories and report on them quicker than Arsenal can throw away a season, someone that has strong but articulate opinions, someone that strives to have their voice heard.

You can write about almost anything, though. Want to cover the latest NFL result or biggest cricket whitewash? Jump on it. Angry about a result? Get typing. Want to write a list of reasons why Floyd ruined the potential GOAT with Manny? Be our guest.

We are also able to compensate you for your hard work (read more about this here) and are able to work with you to bring your articles to as many people as possible. We believe that any modern writer on the web should be able to market as well as they can write, which is something we’d be more than happy to help you accomplish.

We will also be looking at someone to become head of the department in the future.

What’s there to lose? Send an email to jim@culturedvultures.com if you would like to join our team. Looking forward to hearing from you.



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