Total War: Three Kingdoms Returns The Series To History

The extremely talented people at Creative Assembly have announced that there will be a new Total War Series called Total War: Three Kingdoms. The release date has not been set in stone but the game has already appeared on Steam and is set, at the moment, to come out in Fall 2018.

There has been much speculation as to what the newest instalment of the critically acclaimed Total War series would be. I personally was hoping for something more akin to Empire, but more up to date like Shogun 2. But with the less recent releases of Rome 2 and Total War: Attila maybe not coming up to standards of Medieval and Shogun 2, this might be a title in which brings the Total War series back to its former glory.

The Total War website does not give much away aside from the launch trailer that sets us at a time of great turmoil in China’s history. What we can see from Steam is that the game is set in the year 190CE in which the famous Han Dynasty is disintegrating into chaos at the hands of a vicious and cruel warlord called Dong Zhuo.

Total War Three Kingdoms

Total War Three Kingdoms

Total War Three Kingdoms

Total War Three Kingdoms

It seems like the main premise of the story, much like Shogun 2, is to either join together to conquer the realm or to go it alone and become the supreme ruler. But ultimately to fight against the oppressive regime propping up the child ruler overseeing the great crumbling Han Dynasty.

Steam gives us the low down:

“Three heroes, sworn to brotherhood in the face of tyranny, rally support for the trials ahead. Scenting opportunity, warlords from China’s great families follow suit, forming a fragile coalition in a bid to challenge Dong Zhuo’s remorseless rule. Will they triumph against the tyrant, or will personal ambition shatter their already crumbling alliance and drive them to supremacy?”

With the mention of the three brothers, perhaps part of the game would be that you would be able to play as one of them. The videos pay particular attention to them as clearly, they are the driving force behind the story.

I am hoping that this game will be similar to Shogun 2 in terms of storyline and gameplay. The pictures show us a vast landscape in which thousands of soldiers take part if huge battles. But one thing is for certain even with details on the ground this looks bigger and then many titles that have come before both in terms of scale and perhaps map size. Hopefully Creative Assembly will give us more in the coming months.

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