Tim Flach is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Norwich University of the Arts in 2013. Over the past decade, Flach’s work has predominantly focused on representations of animals, derived from his concerns with anthropomorphism and anthropocentrism.
Flach’s work often personifies the animals and gives them personalities unlike the stigma given to each species or breed. His work evokes discussions and debates on the way humans shape animals, and shape their meaning. Whether it’s genetically, as with the featherless chicken, or with the symbolism that gives a special significance to a dove but dismisses a London pigeon as a flying rat.
He has published four books and has three major bodies of work, concerning different subjects: Equus (focusing on the horse), Dogs Gods (on canines) and More Than Human, which is broad exploration of the world’s species.
Above is a selection from Dogs Gods and More Than Human. My personal favourite is the innocent looking, almost child like Opera Bat. Along with the more animalistic Gibbon Shaking and Kanja Shaking. Pouring their souls through the screen. You can find more about Flach, his work and where to view them on timflach.com.
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