This ‘Daredevil’ Fight Scene Atones for the Sins of Darefleck

Daredevil hallway fight

Ben Affleck gets a lot of shit. He has been blamed for the travesty of Pearl Harbour (not the actual one), enabling Jennifer Lopez’s ego to become manifest and for killing 2003’s Daredevil with his flat performance and general face. The latter has quickly been forgotten thanks to what could be one of the best fight scenes in television history.

Netflix’s Daredevil has deservedlyy earned itself a strong following already thanks to its surprisingly amazing cast, plot and cinematography that Nolan would doff his cap at. At the climax of the second episode, we were treated to an Oldboy-esque battle that is brutal, unforgiving and more than a little bit likely to make you shout “shit yeah” at its exasperated, breathless end.

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