Is The Outer Worlds 2 Coming to PS5?

The Outer Worlds 2
The Outer Worlds 2

A game like The Outer Worlds is always welcome in the current industry. With so many games going the bloated open world route, or being absolutely packed with microtransactions, a contained adventure across the stars was quite refreshing when it launched in 2019, especially one with the Obsidian touch. Millions of players seemed to agree, with a sequel getting revealed at E3 2021. However, considering that Obsidian is now owned by Microsoft, is there any chance of The Outer Worlds 2 coming to PS5?

Unfortunately, The Outer Worlds 2 currently isn’t slated for PS5, just Xbox Series and PC. This is due to the aforementioned acquisition by Microsoft, who do not have the best working relationship with Sony, especially in the face of their anti-trust dispute concerning Microsoft’s separate acquisition of Actvision. Any chance of The Outer Worlds 2 ever coming to a PlayStation system has pretty much disappeared, with the two companies’ relationship now being the sourest it’s ever been. That said, there was only ever an outside chance of The Outer Worlds 2 coming to PS5 before the fallout (pun not intended) anyway, as Microsoft will almost always prioritise Xbox exclusives to make Game Pass look like an even better deal.

While this is no doubt a blow for PlayStation owners, the original The Outer Worlds did get remastered for PS5 with some quality of life changes, so that’s a bit of a consolation. However, this still doesn’t point towards a PS5 version for the second game, as Private Division still held the publishing rights for the original, not Microsoft.


About The Outer Worlds 2

So, what are PS5 players missing out on with The Outer Worlds 2? Well, it’s hard to know just yet, as we’ve only had one trailer without any gameplay that’s intended to be satire of how game trailers are these days. The trailer, which you can see above, pokes fun at how misleading trailers are, as well as how pointless slow-motion shots are, random epic shots for the point of being epic, and an absolute abundance of lens flares. The trailer ends with them claiming that the main character, story, or any gameplay isn’t anywhere near finished and all they have to show is the title: The Outer Worlds 2.

It’s a lot of fun, but it ultimately doesn’t give us much of a clue as to what’s in-store for the sequel. You can expect to be able to visit multiple different planets while tackling evil corporate overlords, dealing with all kinds of space bandits and weird alien creatures along the way. There will no doubt be loads of side quests and gear to collect, but you really shouldn’t expect the same kind of scale that’s being promised for Starfield, another upcoming Xbox exclusive that will see you jetting across the stars.

It’s been two years since we heard even a whisper about The Outer Worlds 2, but as the trailer suggests, it still has a long way to go yet. Expect to maybe see something from it in 2023, with a release due in either 2024 or 2025, most likely the latter.

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