Metabolic Agent is an organic resource that you’ll find throughout your time in Starfield. You can use this resource in a variety of crafting methods to strengthen your character at any point in the game.
Gathering this resource can be quite troubling, as a lot of it relies on RNG, but we’ve found a few methods that will secure you the Metabolic Agent in no time.
The first method to obtain the Metabolic Agent is to hunt down dangerous creatures that are scattered across planets in the vast universe of Starfield. Though this strategy heavily relies on RNG, planets found in the Olympus system housed some deadly fauna that dropped the resource at a consistent rate.

There is one creature in the universe that seems to drop a decent amount of Metabolic Agents, but it’s not the best choice. One word. Terrormorphs. These dangerous, 6-legged, mind-controlling powerhouses of an abomination can drop the resource at a steady rate.
If you are daring enough, they can be found on the moon Kreet and Tau Ceti II, though you’ll likely encounter your first one in the Vanguard mission Grunt Work. Killing them is certainly worthwhile, as they’ll net you a fair bit of experience and some other goodies that you’ll be able to put to good use. But that is certainly easier said than done.
A more reliable method for obtaining the Metabolic Agent is to purchase it from certain vendors found across the settled systems. A couple of easy-to-go-to vendors that you can encounter early in your playthrough are:
- Jemison Mercantile (New Atlantis Spaceport)
- Dennis Averin (Cydonia/Mars)
- Newill’s Goods (Neon)
This is a great short-term solution if you are just a few resources shy from completing your next crafting recipe. Much easier and safer than hunting one of the most dangerous apex predators the universe has ever had the displeasure of encountering anyway.
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