Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Gameplay To Be Revealed During E3

More specifically, during the EA Play event.

Star Wars jedi fallen order

Respawn Entertainment have confirmed that we’ll be getting our first gameplay reveal for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order next month during E3, more specifically during the EA Play event that runs around the same time.

EA have already confirmed that they won’t be hosting a traditional press conference like they have in years prior. Instead, the first two days of the event will be dedicated to livestreams from the developers of EA’s upcoming games. Presumably, Respawn will be occupying a hefty slot in that schedule to talk about Fallen Order.

Without any gameplay, we’ve been left to speculate what the gameplay of Fallen Order actually entails. The official store description for the game touts “cinematically-charged lightsaber and Force combat”, though your guess is as good as our’s when it comes to that. Hopefully it means some decent back-and-forth lightsaber duels instead of just hacking at opponents until they fall over.

EA Play is scheduled to kick off on June 7th, which means it’s going to be a long month of waiting before we get some new details about the game, but considering Jedi: Fallen Order is only out on November 15th for PS4, Xbox One and PC, we better get used to waiting.

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