Remnant 2: The Awakened King – How To Unlock The Abyssal Hook

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Remnant 2
Remnant 2

With the return of the One True King in Remnant II’s first DLC comes a plethora of new loot to grab, secrets to discover, and a few new beasties to squash. The two-handed melee weapon Abyssal Hook is the perfect weapon to squash those beasties because you can find it early in the DLC, and it packs a punch right from the get-go.

Here are all the tips and tricks you’ll need to acquire this weapon in Remnant 2: The Awakened King.


How To Unlock The Abyssal Hook

Remnant 2
Remnant 2

You’ll find this weapon deep within the Forlorn Coast the second time you loop back into the zone. Be warned that if you’re playing in campaign mode, procedural generation may not give you this tile set. If that’s the case, simply reroll in adventure mode and select the Awakened King to get the full experience. You should be face-to-face with the huge castle in the distance, near the World Stone.

Remnant 2
Remnant 2

You’ll then need to make a right past some hogs that will attack you. As a bonus, there is a hog running around that won’t be aggressive. Kill him for the Digested Hog Lure ring, which increases mod damage by 10% for 5 seconds when reloading. Make another right past the statue, and you’ll find a spiralling staircase that will take you down to the sewers. There are lots of challenging enemies down here, so come prepared.

Remnant 2
Remnant 2

The first room is full of ranged slugs and melee monstrosities, so clear the room with caution. Trust us, the two sets of enemies are packed close together; you don’t want them merging unless you’re looking for a tough challenge.

Make a left from where you came in and prepare yourself to take down 2 Rat Ogres. They are both tanky, agile, and pack a mean punch, so watch yourself. It’s best to focus on one if you can since they tend to scurry away during the fight to recover some of their lost health. Once defeated, there is a small nook close to the sewer chamber. The weapon will be resting against the sewer wall.


Abyssal Hook Breakdown

This big, mean, anchor machine of a melee weapon is absolutely devastating against basic enemy types with its high weak spot damage. While it’s considered a hammer type, meaning its attacks are slow and brutal, its mod pairs well with the speed of the weapon, which can give you some breathing room in tough situations.

The mod is called Fathomless Deep, which can’t be removed since it’s part of the weapons identity, but it is a fairly strong mod at that. Fathomless Deep grants increase stagger damage by 10% each time you land a charged melee hit. This can stack up to 5 times and pairs well with the base stagger capabilities the Abyssal Hook presents. Now you can bully those frequent close-quarters elite enemies you’ll find throughout this DLC.

Remnant 2: The Awakened King is available now on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X & S.

READ MORE: Remnant 2: The Awakened King – How To Unlock The Sparkfire Shotgun

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