PS4 Exclusive Days Gone Delayed Until 2019

Days Gone

Bad news for anyone wanting to add Days Gone to their PS4 exclusive pile this year: it has been pushed back until next year.

In a statement to Eurogamer, Sony said the following:

“We can confirm that Days Gone will now be releasing in 2019, and we will keep you updated on the launch date.”

Days Gone
Source: GameSpot

Bit of a surprise, but perhaps not considering Days Gone only ever turns up for “big” shows to remind everyone that it still exists. It’s been a long while since it first wowed people at E3 2016 and, really, it might have been revealed a little too soon.

Days Gone pits you as Deacon St. John (played by Sam Witwer) in a post-apocalyptic world overrun with freakers, which definitely are not zombies. It looks like a mighty interesting game thanks to the amount of enemies on-screen at once, motorbike mechanics, and an impressive day/night system, but I guess we will have to wait longer to find out if the end product meets expectation.

Disappointed? Check out the PS4 exclusives you can already play and also some of the best zombie games to tide you over.

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