5 Potential Killing Eve Spinoffs We’d Like To See

After Killing Eve, who will they kill next?

killing eve jodie comer april 2019

In 2018, Killing Eve premiered on BBC America and quickly grew into an international phenomenon, gaining critical acclaim in its first season and winning several awards, including Best Actress Awards for co-leads Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh. Due to its popularity, the announcement that the show was to end with season four was unsurprisingly coupled with the news that BBC America was planning to develop spinoffs. Despite this announcement, the article doesn’t confirm anything, so join us below as we suggest five possible Killing Eve spinoffs for the show’s wider universe (PolastriVerse? VillanelleVerse? The Codename Universe?)


1. The Twelve

killing eve kim bodnia

The Twelve has grown in importance as the show’s gone on, first a mysterious organisation supposedly in charge of both Villanelle and Konstantin, before having a finger in practically every pie in the third season. As an unknown organisation that utilises assassins and an intricate network of handlers on an international status, discovering the origins of such a group is a fascinating idea. However, considering there is only one season of Killing Eve left to air, which is likely just eight episodes, the focus for the fourth season surely has to be the relationship between Eve and Villanelle, as opposed to the machinations of The Twelve.

Because of this, a spinoff that focuses on someone trying to uncover the truth behind The Twelve offers a concept that expands on the conspiracy mystery of the original series. This spinoff may be better suited to an ensemble show, possibly with Fiona Shaw leading, but it’s a idea which would allow for multiple crossovers from the original to help entice fans to watch.


2. The Bitter Pill

Debuting in the third season, the Bitter Pill is an investigative journalism office that Eve’s confidant Kenny began working for before his untimely death. There are three main members of the office introduced who were familiar with Kenny: CEO and founder Jamie Hayward, open-source investigator Bear, and receptionist Audrey. During their work alongside Eve investigating Kenny’s death, the three characters sometimes offered a lighter tone to the much darker Villanelle storyline, but also demonstrated good investigative journalism.

As a possible spinoff to the original show, The Bitter Pill could work as an episodic series of various investigative journalists, possibly in the style of an Inside No. 9 where each episode is inspired by a different subject. The other option would be a serialised mystery show, capitalising on the popularity of recent BBC hits like Line Of Duty, where each season would have reporters from The Bitter Pill investigating and trying to uncover a conspiracy.


3. The 1980s Prequel

killing eve fiona shaw

While the two protagonists Eve and Villanelle are undoubtedly the biggest strength of Killing Eve, a massive fan favourite has been the seemingly stoic but outlandish ace Carolyn Martens. Portrayed by Fiona Shaw, Martens is introduced as the head of MI6’s Russian Desk, a supposed legend whose reputation greatly precedes her. The reasons for her legendary status is based on her experience as a young field agent in the 1980s, when she supposedly saved the world at least three times.

The possibility to witness the growth and development of the field agent who grew into such a mythical figure offers a tremendous role for a young actress to take on. This doesn’t even consider the opportunity to see Martens’ burgeoning relationships with familiar characters, such as Konstantin, allowing a more indepth look at how both dealt with the cold war, their growing relationship into frenemies. Considering the unquestionable popularity of period dramas such as Mad Men or The Americans, it’s proven that there is fertile ground for a Killing Eve spinoff set in the 1980s.


4. A New Villanelle

Two of the main highlights of Killing Eve have always been the international feel, incorporating the beauty of foreign cities, and the intricate assassinations. So a much more obvious spinoff option is to transfer the focus on a new assassin, although the possibility of being compared unfavourably to the original is an issue – any successor might struggle to emerge from Villanelle’s shadow.

Because of this, it could be more suitable material for an anthology show, focusing on a different assassin each season and following them attempting a major kill in some scenic locale. A Killing Eve spinoff in the style of American Horror Story, or more likely True Detective, would also be that much more accessible for new audiences – and creates a transferable format for other countries, expanding the audience for the show.


5. Irina

killing eve Yuli Lagodinsky

There will inevitably be several new characters introduced with the potential of being chosen for a spinoff (the final season of the Highlander TV series featured four new characters who were obvious pilot material, for instance), but one we’ve already met, who has some similarities to Villanelle, is Irina, Konstantin’s daughter. A snarky and strong personality, she’s demonstrated an affinity for languages, but also calculating and devoid of empathy, and by the end of season three, was in prison for running over her stepfather.

There are two possible options here: a drama focused on her time in prison, in the vein of the beloved Orange Is The New Black, or a sequel set after Irina is released from prison, which could work better if they require recasting. The first option allows a predominantly female cast, while the second option could be a spiritual successor to Killing Eve, portraying the development of a Villanelle character in comparison to the original show’s finished article, especially if Konstantin is involved as well.

These are five possible paths that the Killing Eve spinoff may take us down, but there’s plenty of potential for a show that has connected deeply with audiences worldwide. When the original show ends, it’ll be fascinating to truly assess the impact it made in television. However, considering the reputation of shows like Law & Order or Arrow, shows that created entire universes encompassing anything up to five or six distinct shows, Killing Eve could become a British landmark that begins replicating their successes. Is it just me excited at the prospect of an Assassination in Infinite Cities-style crossover?

READ MORE: Killing Eve: Season 3 REVIEW – Too Little Killing, Too Little Eve

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