Free Pokémon GO Promo Codes – Complete List (May 2023)

Pokemon Go promo codes
Pokemon Go promo codes

While Pokémon probably reminds you of Nintendo or Game Freak, the guys who release new content and keep millions of players coming back to Pokémon GO are Niantic. They often create and release in-game events that make filling out your Pokedex easier for every trainer. However, Niantic also does something else to assist you that not everyone knows about. Every now and then, they release new Pokémon GO promo codes for free goodies, as a reward for players and also to celebrate their partnerships.

It’s a bit of a hassle to find them sometimes, but you can often get a lot of help to catch ’em all, all for free. You can get freebies, including special clothing and other items, like berries and Pokéballs, that help you catch Pokémon. Who said that the in-game events were the only easy way to fill your Pokédex?

Anyway, if you want an effortless way to get codes, it’s right here. We’ve compiled an updated list of available Pokémon GO promo codes below. It’s checked often, so you don’t get expired codes and new ones are always arriving, so come back later if you don’t find what you were looking for.

By the way, we’ve also compiled a tutorial on how to redeem Pokémon GO promo codes. Just scroll further down the list, and you’ll see how to do it, whether you’re an Android or an iOS player.


Pokémon GO Promo Codes

As of May 12th, 2023, there are no active and available Pokémon GO promo codes. The last new code that was released was on April 12th, so it’s been a whole month since we had any freebies in PoGo.

The Prime Gaming promotion has also ended, so there’s currently nothing free that’s up for grabs in Pokémon GO. As soon as this changes, we’ll update this guide with everything you need to know to be the best like no-one ever was.


How To Redeem Pokémon GO Codes On Android

If you’re an Android user, you can redeem Pokémon GO Codes in two ways. The first way is pretty easy:

  • First, go to Niantic’s website for Pokémon GO code redemption.
  • Login and paste your promo code.
  • After redeeming, you’ll get whichever freebie was destined to you.

The second way involves actually using the Pokémon GO app. To do so, follow these steps:

  • At the bottom of the screen, tap on the Pokéball.
  • Go to the Shop by using the Shop icon.
  • Scroll down to the bottom and enter your promo code in the Promos field.

There you go, simple as that, you should now have your free items.


How To Redeem Pokémon GO Codes On iOS

If you’re more of an iOS person, there’s only one way to redeem Pokémon GO Codes: by going to the Pokémon GO offer redemption site.

  • After opening the site, log in.
  • Paste your promo code in the field and redeem it.

This is the same as the first method for Android users, meaning it can be done on your phone’s browser or on your computer.

It really is remarkable just how long Pokémon GO has managed to thrive for since its release way back in 2017. While it’s not at the same peak it reached during that wild summer when it seemed like absolutely everyone was in on the fun, there are still millions that play the game on a regular basis, with the game earning hundreds of millions of dollars a year, and $5 billion in total since launch. If you’re yet to try it our for yourself, it’s pick up and play fun that’s suitable for people of all ages and experiences, and it’s also totally free.

Pokémon GO is available for iOS and Android.

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