Overwatch: Surprise, Bastion Gets Play of the Game the Most

Paul Heyman

Do you remember Overwatch launch week? I do, it was hell. Death came from everywhere you could imagine as everyone opted for either Torbjörn or Bastion to stop the payload and worried about the guilt at a later time. Although they aren’t quite as popular in Competitive Play these days, Quick Play is where you can find all the newcomers and players who just want to watch the world burn choosing either of the two.

Jeff Kaplan, the game’s director, took to Overwatch’s forums to let everyone know which heroes managed a Play of the Game the most:

Quick Play:

1. Bastion

2. Genji

3. Torbjörn

Nice to see that casual players are trying out Genji. He’s one of the best there is, but he requires some practice. No surprises about the other two, though, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Competitive Play:

1. Mercy

2. McCree

3. Reaper

Mercy is a big surprise for me; I don’t often see a PotG from her. But the other two can wipe an enemy team with their Ultimates if they’re planned well enough, so it’s kind of expected.

Ana and Lucio had the least amount of PotGs, owing to them not really doing anything all that “cinematic”. The latter is my, and many others’, favourite healer, so it’s weird to see him as such an outlier. Quite how they change it up to get them included is anyone’s guess. Saying that, though, Lucio’s lethality on Nepal has earnt him a couple of highlight reel spots during my time with him.

What goes into a Play of the Game is still unclear, but it doesn’t seem to favour those who quietly go about their work, doing things that help the rest of the team. If pressed to pick between triple kill from a Death Blossom or a well-timed Sound Barrier, the system will always choose the former.

If you’re sick of seeing the same heroes receive Play of the Game and never get one yourself, bear this in mind: it doesn’t really matter. A silly little award at the end of a match doesn’t make the difference between Overwatch being the best game of the year or not, so just shrug it off and get ready for the next round.

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