So Overwatch has been out just over a week now, and already Blizzard have dropped the banhammer permanently on a large number of players, who were found to be cheating the game. In China, 1500 players alone have been permanently banned.
All of the 1500 players in China who were banned were called out by username on Blizzard’s official forums.
We recently being used worldwide the plug “Watch pioneer” account to take action. We always strive to provide “watch pioneer” the player a fair gaming environment, and will continue to take necessary measures against players in violation of the “Terms of Use” of any form of cheating will be severely punished. If you believe that another player is cheating or if you have any questions regarding the use of plug-in “Watch Vanguard”, a robot or unauthorized third-party software, be sure to let us know!
One of the banned players who claims they were banned says that, even after rebuying the game they were banned again after a few days likely due to the software they used to cheat being detected again. He also went on to say that he purged his PC, changing hard drive IDs, MAC address, BiosDate and buying a VPN to throw Blizzard’s anti-cheat off. It didn’t work.
Blizzard takes cheating seriously, as evidenced by one person who posted a screenshot of an account closure email they received from the developer.
“We don’t take this decision lightly,” the email reads. “Our team issued this closure after a careful review of relevant evidence. Our support staff will not overturn these closures and may not respond to appeals.”
The moral of the story kids is, that at the end of the day cheaters always get found out. Unless it’s GTA; you can spawn in a tank as often as you like.
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