New Batman v Superman Trailer Hits Comic-Con

Batman vs Superman

After Man of Steel, Zack Snyder was brought to metaphorical trial over the carnage Superman wrought over Metropolis in the final scenes of the film. The complete destruction that was left in the wake of Superman and General Zod’s final conflict almost certainly resulted in the deaths of some of Metropolis’ citizens and it appears that Affleck’s Bruce Wayne also felt the impact of this event.

The second trailer for Snyder’s Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice hit Comic-Con this weekend and viewers were exposed to the context that sets up this clash of titans. We also see allusions to other DC characters, including Wayne’s faithful butler Alfred, played by Jeremy Irons, as well as Gal Godot’s Wonder Woman. Keep an eye out for the luxurious wig boasted by Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor, and subtle hints of Batman’s troubled past.

Check it out below!

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