Memories of Green #16

Memories of Green hots up in Tuesday’s edition, leading up to the explosive season finale.


Retribution for Online Anti-Patriot

THE ADMINISTRATION, ever vigilant for possible dissent issued swift justice to an Anti Patriot blogger in a stunning raid last night.

In a joint raid between Civil Protection and the military, the popular online blogger Thomas Case, otherwise known as Case_Overdrive451 was pacified at his house in Burbank, California. Several unregistered immigrants were also pacified in the raid.

Case was at the centre of an insidious operation that aimed to conscript unregistered immigrants into Anti Patriotic terrorist cells. The blog entitled “I Sell Sanctuary” reached out to the unregistered, hiding in our great country, and offered them “Safe haven from the oppressive reach of The Administration”.

In reality, the blog offered Unregistered Immigrants, regularly deported or pacified by the Administration, in an effort to stop them from tainting America, a chance to actively engage in violent acts of terrorism against loyal patriots.

Tech wizards of The Administration have been watching Case’s posts with growing concern for a number of months. Case has been physically observed for the last month, The Administration decided to act when they observed Case welcoming hateful unregistered’s into his home.

The Burbank raid took place at 11:45, and lasted twenty minutes. Alongside the pacification of Case and his would-be terrorists, Civil Protection seized several computers that may lead to the whereabouts of other terrorists operating in the area.
Adam Winston, chief of C.P in Burbank said he was “Satisfied” with the raid, and declared “Civil Protection in Burbank are dedicated toward ridding America of Unregistered’s. Anyone harbouring or inviting them into this country is not a patriot, a citizen, or even a person. They are animals, dedicated to bringing down what we’ve built here, and we will not tolerate that in Burbank, or anywhere in this country.” HE said that there was “No hope”, for Case’s associates, as they would be found “Within Weeks”.

CNN will cover this effort to purge America as it continues.

One Nation Under God

Rick Gingritch


Young Patriot Movement Gains Momentum

IN ORDER to further strengthen the burgeoning economy of our great nation, The Administration have extended its Young Patriots Program to the entirety of America.

Young Patriots are automatically entered into the program after their education finishes at fourteen, unless they are enrolling into Civil Protection, or enlisting in our country’s glorious military.

The program dictates that local employers must automatically consider youngsters for employment and shortlist them at the recruitment stage, as the training the next generation are receiving at our academies is more than sufficient for the jobs modern employers expect them to perform.

From the Administrations viewpoint, the hiring of young staff will almost guarantee a 0% unemployment rate among young people, and company’s are more than happy the pay the minimum wage of $2.14 to young people seeking to contribute toward our nation.

Originally trialed in Arizona, The Young Patriots scheme was a runaway success, with Janice Richards, Director of Child Well-being stating, “This is the future for our children, our new generation will be proud to hear they will be part of making us a better country, a better state, a better race.” She said the boost this new workforce will have on both our industrial and commercial economy will be “Unprecedented.”

CNN will be observing the situation, and interviewing some of the young employees as they join our great nation’s workforce.

One Nation Under God

Mitt Huntsman


Memories of Green #15Memories of Green #17

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