Lee Weir Breaks World Record with FORTY ONE Homer Simpson Tattoos

Lee Weir

Lee Weir

The world record for the most tattoos of the same cartoon character tattooed on the same body. The big one. The holy grail of world records. The record we’d all dreamed of achieving. We just didn’t know it because it didn’t exist yet. Until now that is, and unfortunately none of us have achieved it. Not me, not him, not her, not that, least of all you.

Unless you are Lee Weir of Auckland, New Zealand. In which case your 27 years on this planet have finally hit the big time. You’ve achieved the big one. The world record that every single one of us has had a hungry heart for. We just didn’t have the focus or the ambition to take it from this unspecified yearning and make it something tangible, something real. To cover our skin with as many versions of the same cartoon character as we possibly could.

But you did, Lee Weir, you did, and for that we salute you. Your desire to plaster that arm of yours with Homer Simpson, was not just noble, but you made a world record, not just happen, but come into existence. This was not a thing, before you did your thing, and for that we salute you. Once again. We salute you.

Seriously though, fucking look at that masterpiece. It is the Sistine Chapel of Simpsons tattoos. I mean, a friend of mine has got a Flying Hellfish tattoo which is pretty sweet, but this… this is something special. Oh, and in case you were wondering, it’s 41. 41 tattoos of Homer Simpson, in various guises and alternate versions and scenarios that any Simpson fan will recognise.

The best part? Mr Weir was actually banned from watching The Simpsons when he was younger, by his father. Who our hero has described as a real-life Ned Flanders. The reason why? Because the father figure and head of the household was a buffoon. Who’s the buffoon now, dad? Not Lee, because this tattoo, and this record, are awesome. What’s also awesome is that Lee is a father himself now, and his two year old daughter loves his tattoo, and even knows the different Homers. Her favourite is baby Homer. Now that’s parenting.

Remember that figure though, kids. 41. That’s an achievable number. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that’s a beatable number. Just saying.

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