Jeff and Matt Hardy “Star” in This Fantastically Awful TNA Promo

Hardy Boys 2016

“This is the ring we began in…and the ring we END in.”

Say what you want about TNA, and most of the internet will, but you can’t say that they aren’t afraid to try weird ideas out. We’ve had the Hangman’s Horror, King of the Mountain, Sadistic Madness, and the Monster’s Ball matches were all “unique” stipulations they tried out and the angles they tend to work lean on the cheesy, 1995 side of things.

All that is irrelevant: TNA have just set the bar too high for anyone to possibly even come close. The Hardy brothers have starred in a promo involving dead-eyed delivery, a fake baby, and your grandmother’s spare dinner table being broken.

I can’t say that I have ever really watched much TNA, but judging from the obvious mastery of drama displayed here, I really should. Matt delivers his lines like a (relatively) young Ron Perlman and Jeff is able to stand up and talk without getting arrested, which is momentous.

Apparently they’re going to wrestle or something? I don’t know, I’m too busy trying to contact their dealer to care.

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