Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding Will Be Open World

Death Stranding

Ever since its transfixing unveiling at E3 2016, we have had little to no new information to bring you on Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding. Norman Reedus cries for ghost babies and has a supple digital butt; questioning anything else would just pull us further down Kojima’s rabbit hole.

Speaking at TGS, Kojima today revealed a little bit more about the game, including something that will no doubt please a lot of fans: it will be open-world and feature online elements. And, of course, a story that will leave you scratching your chin in confusion/admiration.

Death Stranding


In the above photos, Kojima was talking about Death Stranding being a game about confrontation and how you do or don’t address it. If you were to look into it a little, this would suggest that Death Stranding will feature optional combat. Kojima also mentioned wanting to create strands between players rather than just have them fight each other.

So, when can we expect to hear more about Death Stranding? That’s really anyone’s guess. No new footage was shown at the conference, and it’s unlikely any will be seen for a long time. Kojima Productions is a brand new studio and Death Stranding will be their very first game, meaning it could be an even longer wait than you might initially realise. Late 2018 is a conservative estimate until you have the game in your hands.

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